Friday, January 30, 2009

Mommy for 9 Days!

Above, me holding G-Man and Dr. Pam Hadler
And seriously, this mommy stuff *really* is awesome! Little G-man is a wonderful baby and like my predictions (here) he is calm and even tempered like his Daddy. Today G-Man went with Daddy and I to my chiropractor, Dr. Pam Hadler in Farmington, Minnesota. She was here for the early part of my labor and adjusted me so that I was in a great place sketally (is that a word?), you know, bones were all in the right place, to optimally have a baby. Then she stayed until K got home from South Dakota (yes, she is an angel!). Anyway, I got a wonderful adjustment today and so did little G-Man. No, don't get your undies in a bunch, chiropractic care for infants and kids is INCREDIBLY GENTLE! There is not snapping, cracking or twisting at all. Just a little pressure for cranial work, the same amount of pressure you would use to check if a tomato is ripe. Just a very gentle touch. There was a little flat spot on the front of his forehead on one side, and before we left it was popping back out where it was supposed to be. G-Man loved meeting Dr. Pam and she him.

On a separate note several folks keep asking how I am. Seriously, with a wonderful baby and incredible hubby how could I not be spectacular? I am feeling remarkably well. On G-man's one week birthday I got on the scale, and I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight and I was wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans! Woohooo!!!! Oh sure, there is still lots of toning to do and I wanted to lose 20 pound before I got pregnant, but still...I am back where I started 9 months ago. That feels wonderful! My focus now though is not weight loss, but continuing to eat super healthy and drink my 5 liters of water a day so I can continue to breastfeed this little guy and give him the very best nutrition. I figure I can start exercising slowly after I hit the 2 week mark, but diet, count calories? NO WAY!

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