Saturday, January 17, 2009

Last Ultrasound

Friday we had our last ultrasound to check on the fibroid. It (the ultrasound) was pretty cool. With Baby being so big it was really the hardest of all the ultrasounds for us to see anything. Baby is head down and engaged in my pelvis and had it's face toward my back so we couldn't even see a profile or the cute little face! (However, that is a perfect birth position so I am not disappointed!) It's hands were curled around the face and then later down by the knees. The legs were all curled up and Baby was nice and modest. We did look away though when told to since the ultrasound tech knew that we didn't want to know if this is a boy or a girl! Baby's heart was remarkably cool and we did get to see all 4 chambers working perfectly. It was funny listening to the ultrasound tech because she was very excited about how perfect the heart is. All of Baby's organs look wonderful and Baby is measuring small, (AMEN!) but not scary small. Speaking of small...the fibroid tumor has shrunk some more (or is that shrank or shrinked??) any rate it's about 1/2 the size it was in September! I am sooo thrilled! Prayer, good diet and supplements are amazing in what it can help the body accomplish! Thank you all again for your prayers. Certainly they have been working since we first found out about this tumor 27 weeks ago.

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