Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Appointment

We had another midwife appointment tonite. Well, Baby and I did, K is so sick that he didn't want to get the midwife sick since she is also pregnant. Isn't he just the most thoughtful guy? So, once I got there, I called K and put him on speaker phone so he got to participate in our conversations and ask great questions! I know I say it every time, but I *love* our appointments! We get one whole hour to talk and discuss things and get informed. We are so blessed. This time we talked about some testing and post-birth testing of baby and a few shots. We also talked about the "what if..." scenario. I think everyone knows that our first goal with this pregnancy is healthy & safe Baby and Mom. In the research we have done, being low risk and healthy it's an option to do that at home. And, that is our plan. Birth at home with our midwife and her assistant (a midwife in training). Of course, with a caregiver paying sole attention to me it will be pretty obvious if things aren't going great and we need to transfer to a hospital. So we talked about that scenario a little. Needless to say, it's NOT at all what I want, but we won't risk Baby or my health and safety. My blood pressure is fab at 112/72 and baby's heart rate was bouncing between the 130s and 140s. It was pretty funny because Baby was doing a whole gymnastic routine in the belly during the appointment, so it was a little more difficult to hear the heartbeat over the sound of baby moving. Ya, we can HEAR the baby move with the doppler! It's awesome! Overall, yet another wonderful appointment!

p.s. According to my sister, that heartrate range = BOY. So, once again, I am appealing to you all for boy names. We are stuck! (Thanks to Amy C. for her suggestions so far!)

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