Friday, October 3, 2008

This month's midwife appt & a moment (or 2) of panic!

We had a great appointment on Wednesday with our midwife! Some of you have asked if Kyle has gone to some of the appointments. Actually, he's gone to ALL of our appointments, fibroid, baby, me, if one of the three are involved he's there. I am so blessed to have a hubby who wants to be involved! I got reprimanded for being on my dad's roof doing roofing work a little last weekend, and for doing so much physical stuff. I really wrecked up my lower back, which is connected to the pelvis which is connected to the uterus, which is baby's home. Ya, you see the problem with that, huh? I have promised to stop trying to do "everything" as is my nature. It bites, but I know it's the right thing for me and Baby to be as healthy as we can be. It's really hard to ask for help when it's something that I know I can do. We got to hear Baby's heart rate and hear the little one squirm around; heart rate was in the 140's to 150's and was fluctuating with movements which is wonderful! My uterus measured at 22 weeks, even though I am at 21 weeks, but a little variation is normal. Other than that, not much new. I did (and am still) freaking out a little bit about one thing. Our next appointment is October 29th, our midwife told me that at that point I will be at the start of the 3rd trimester. What?!?!?!? Third tri?!?!?! No! I am sooo not ready for that! That's only 4 weeks away! I am panicking a little (ok, maybe a lot) and I am not sure I can go into all the reasons why...please just say a little prayer for me to be calm and to accept that everything will be ok.

1 comment:

Tina Vega said...

Seriously??? That IS going fast!! I hope your belly is ready to be photographed at our retreat. Colorful sweater, baby belly & the beautiful outdoors as a backdrop (perhaps we could even find an old building to sneak up alongside). Grow baby grow!!