Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Truly, I need to learn about setting dates!

I cannot believe that I thought for a minute we'd be "close to done" by Sunday in the kitchen! The dear hubby got sick, like super sick, knock down, drag-out sick! I am trying not to get the crud so I am not pushing it much and trying to rest too. Only 1 more coat of poly on the doors and drawers and one side will be done, then I can flip them over and start the 2nd side. Since the hubby is so sick the floor is not even being considered...and there is wood to be chopped and stacked for the woodburning stove for the winter too. I still hope to have all the polying done by Halloween though. Maybe after Tai Chi and some scrapbooking shopping (click here for a fabulous sale on Saturday ONLY) I can get the doors hung and get to Ikea to look at lighting and pulls for the doors and drawers. I hope Hubby starts to feel better too, I hate it when he's sick, poor thing! He is unlike most men though, he is not one of those cry-baby "poor me" sick guys. He is a trooper.

Oh, and I am still waiting for the color chart for the new countertop resurface product so that is at least 5 days out still too. I don't think it'll ever get done.

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