Friday, October 24, 2008

Baby names...

Well, we have the girls names we *love*! There are 3 at the top of our list and we both agree on the order of our favorite 3 girley names. If it's a girl her middle name will be Mellissa. I am the 4th generation Mellissa so it will be an honor to continue that tradition if we have a girl. Boys names however, are a different story! We have a list of close to 40 names that either K likes, or I like or we are both "okay" with, but none for boys that we *love* yet. We are trying to find names that are unique without being sooooo different that our kid has a target painted on them for teasing and such. We are also trying to avoid the trendy names too. I think between K and I we have scoured 4 or 5 baby name books and countless web sites for names. I don't think we need to settle on one name, I'd like to have 2 or 3 great possibilities like we do with girley names. That way we can meet our baby and see what name seems to suit them the best. So, if you have suggestions, names you have heard or names you love, but couldn't or didn't give to your boys, PLEASE let me know what they are! Thank you!

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