Friday, October 10, 2008

Tai Chi!

The link above is to a beautiful example of Tai Chi. Here is a wikipedia definition of it. It's pretty much a slow, healthful, balanced form of martial arts. It's not a fighting or defensive martial art. I start my first tai chi class on Saturday morning and I am sooo excited! This will be wonderful, meditative, relaxing and so great to do during (and after) pregnancy. I can't wait to tell you how it all goes!


Crystal said...

Fun! I used to take a class through the YMCA called Bodyflow. It was a mix of yoga, pilates, and tai chi. It really makes you feel powerful (in the sense of your body) and balanced. Enjoy!

Mellissa said...

That sounds like a fun class! I belong to the Y too and will have to check that one out! I can't wait to see you at the Dec. crop weekend! Woohooo!!!!!!!